Building or Place
NPS Code
Number of Samples

Mosaic tiles and pebbles from the Gordion Museum


Tuckahoe marble dust used for SEM


Marble Fragment

“Tuckahoe Marble”


Junglans regia

Three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential.

Granite – Rhyolite Family
1 Aplite San Bernardino County, California, USA
2 Hornblende Granite Rocport, Massachusetts, USA
3 Hypersthene Granite (Charnockite) near Madras, India
4 Biotite Granite
5 Rhyolite Porphyry
6 Pegmatite – Lithium Rich
7 Rhyolite Porphyry
8 Obsidian, brown and black Lake County, Oregon, USA
9 Obsidian, snowflake
10 Vitrophyre
11 Pumice Hidalgo, Mexico
12 Rhyolite , Flow Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
13 Hedenbergite Syenite Portland Twp, Quebec, Canada
14 Sodalite Syenite
15 Shonkinite San Bernardino County, California, USA
Monzonite – Latite Family
16 Monzonite Westerley, Rhode Island, USA
17 Quartz Monzonite Los Angeles County, California, USA
18 Quartz Monzonite Porphyry
Diorite – Andesite Family
19 Orbicular Diorite Davie County, North Carolina, USA
20 Diorite Porphyry Jackson, Wyoming, USA
21 Hornblende Diorite
22 Camptonite Hoover Dam, Arizona, USA
23 Hornblende Andesite Porphyry Gallatin County, Montana, USA
Gabbro – Basalt Family
24 Jacupirangite Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA
25 Hypersthene Gabbro Essex County, New York, USA
26 Anorthosite Split Rock, Minnesota, USA
27 Diabase Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
28 Basalt Pullman, Washington, USA
29 Diktytaxtic Basalt Modoc County, California, USA
30 Vesicular Basalt Modoc County, California, USA
31 Leucite Nepheline Tephrite Laacher See, Germany
32 Augite Basalt Porphyry
Pyroclastic Family
33 Welded Tuff Inyo County, California, USA
34 Tuff Pima County, Arizona, USA
Peridotite Family
35 Pyroxenite (Bronzitite) Contact Mountain, Montana, USA
36 Peridotite (Kimberlite) Yellow Dog, Michigan, USA
37 Peridotite
Sedimentary Rocks
Conglomerates and Breccias
38 Conglomerate Richmondale, Ohio, USA
39 Limestone Breccia Boulder County, Colorado, USA
40 Volcanic Breccia Mohave County, Arizona, USA
Sandstones and Related Rocks
41 Cross-bedded Sandstone Portland, Connecticut, USA
42 Arkose (gray) Gardiner, Montana, USA
43 Sandstone Los Angeles County, California, USA
44 Bituminous Sandstone
45 Coconino Sandstone Mojave County, Arizona, USA
46 Banded Sandstone Mansfield, Ohio, USA
47 Siltstone Concordia Bridge, Illinois, USA
Shales and Related Rocks
48 Arenaceous Shale Greene County, New York, USA
49 Ferruginous Shale Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
50 Bituminous Shale Little Falls, New York, USA
51 Laminated Shale
Chalcedonic and Related Stones
52 Flint Flint Ridge, Ohio
53 Flint Flint Ridge, Ohio
54 Chalcedony pseudomorph after coral Tamba Bay, Florida, USA
Limestones and Related Stones
55 Common Grey Limestone Monroe County, New York, USA
56 Lithographic Limestone Solnhofen, Germany
57 Red Wall Limestone Yavapai Co. Arizona, USA
58 Coquina St. Augustine, Florida, USA
59 Pentamerous Limestone Rochester, New York, USA
60 Travertine
61 Dolomitic Limestone Kasota, Minnesota, USA
62 Siliceous Dolomite Little Falls, New York, USA
63 Diffusion Dolomite Fremont County, Colorado, USA
64 Dolomite Marquette, Michigan, USA
65 Potosi Dolomite Potosi, Missouri, USA
66 Fusulinid Limestone Glass Mountains, Texas, USA
Ferruginous and Related Rocks
67 Hematite (oolitic) Clinton, New York, USA
Salines (Evaporates)
68 Anhydrite
69 Gypsum, var. Alabaster Pomaia, Italy
70 Bituminous Coal
71 Hornfels Lambertsville, New Jersey, USA
72 Graphitic Marble Los Angeles County, California, USA
73 White Marble Lee, Massachusetts, USA
74 Marble St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
75 Chocolate Marble Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Calc-silicate Rocks
76 Mylonite Los Angeles County, California, USA
77 Pink Quartzite Dell Rapids, South Dakota, USA
78 Jasper Pebble Quartzite Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada
79 Green Quartzite
80 Red Slate Granville, New York, USA
81 Green Slate Pawlet, Vermont, USA
82 Tourmaline Schist
83 Vishnu Schist near Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
84 Crumpled Mica Schist Gilpin County, Colorado, USA
85 Garnet Mica Schist Gassetts, Vermont, USA
86 Hornblende Schist Antwerp, New York, USA
87 Garnetiferous Schist
88 Albite Mica Schist
89 Staurolite Schist near Newport, Idaho, USA
Gneisses and Related Rocks
90 Diopside Gneiss Lowell, Idaho County, Idaho, USA
91 Diorite Gneiss San Bernardino County, California, USA
92 Banded Biotite Gneiss Adirondack Region, New York, USA
93 Garnet Sillimanite Gneiss Washington County, New York, USA
94 Amphibolite, Fine Grained Soudan, Minnesota, USA
95 Amphibolite, Coarse Grained Soudan, Minnesota, USA
Epidote Group
96 Unakite
Other Metamorphic
97 Greenstone Ely, Minnesota, USA
98 Soapstone Cameron, Montana, USA
99 Ferruginous Argillite Missoula, Montana, USA
100 Serpentinite

Carpinus betulus

Three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential.


Fragments of concrete


Cross sections of marble from Hood Cemetery Gate, Germantown, Philadelphia

  1. 2 thin sections and bilets of hoodstone (white marble) hoodcrust (framboidal black crust
  2. 1 bulk sample laser-cleaned
  3. 4 fragments of dry-cleaned, wet-cleaned, and uncleaned (control sample)
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