Submit an object to the HBMC

Unique collection ID made of 16 characters that encodes the primary material of study (2 characters), building or site (4 characters), year of creation (4 characters), object type, and the sample series (2 characters). If the year is not known, approximate to the nearest decade or century (e.g. 198X or 19XX)

Separate multiple values with a semicolon

In the format W" x L" X H" in decimal format

    Create a new Building or Site if more than 2 objects are associated with the same building or site.

      Additional location notes, including building or room number, or location within a wall

      Only use when object is not associated to a Building or Site record in the database. Spatial coordinates should be reported in decimal degrees format to at least 4 (preferably 5 or 6) significant digits past the decimal point.

      If the object is a donation, include the name of the donor and year of accession.

      Use citation in Chicago style. Example: Kress, Alexandra Elizabeth (2013). Buried with Tiffany: A Conservation Plan for the Tiffany Glass Mosaics of the Harris C. Fahnestock Mausoleum at the Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, New York. (Masters Thesis). University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.