Used for spray painting. Air Mate AM782HC4V
Wet or dry sawing of masonry and refractory. Uses a diamond blade –dry or water cooled. Serial Number: 343790 Motor specs Horsepower 2 Saw Duty Volts 115/208-230 Amps 16.8/8.8-8.4 R.P.M. 3450 Frame 56Z HZ 60
The TH011 is a bench top freeze thaw chamber designed to fit on 24” benchtops or stacked with optional racking.
H-3248 Length comparators measure length changes of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete prismatic specimens. Indicators are mounted on a sturdy upright support attached to a solid triangular base. All units Include stationary and movable anvils designed to fit H-3260 gauge studs, which are cast into test specimens and an Invar reference bar. Comparators for 10″ […]
The IBIX® 3 blasting machine is suitable for building and structural restorations. Typical applications include pre-paint preparation and cleaning surfaces. The IBIX® blasting machine delivers a consistent air and media flow. It requires low air volume and one operator only. Light weight aluminum construction Can be run by most small compressors Includes Application Gun and […]
From QUV | Q-Lab: The QUV accelerated weathering tester reproduces the damage caused by natural sunlight, rain, and dew. In a few days or weeks, the QUV tester can reproduce the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors. To simulate outdoor weathering, the QUV accelerated weathering tester exposes materials to alternating cycles of ultraviolet […]