Building or Place
NPS Code
Number of Samples

Fragments of mortars from multiple tombs and mausoleums.


Used for lab “Identification of Stone Hand Specimens”

  1. Connecticut bluestone
    Fine quartz sandstone. Note faint cross-stratification
  2. Black slate
    Note lineation, minute flakes of white mica
  3. Connecticut bluewater stone
    Fine quartz sandstone
  4. Quartzite flagstone
    Quartz-mica schist. Note flattened grains
  5. Tan Arizona flagstone
    Finely laminated
  6. Lava stone
    Vesicular basalt. Are vesicles connected?
  7. Red Arizona flagstone
    Fine quartz grains are coated with iron oxide
  8. Azure marble
    Quartzite. Individual grains are discernible. Is it metamorphic?
  9. Pumice
    Frothy glass. Note layering. Will it float?
  10. Granite
    Gray feldspar, glassy quartz, dark pyroxene, interlocking grains
  11. Rose quartzite
    Note lack of cleavage and lack of crystal faces
  12. White quartzite
  13. Yellow marble
  14. White dolomite
    Is it dolomite or quartzite?
  15. Indiana limestone
    Rich in microscopic fossils
  16. Wisconsin limestone
    Rich in small fossils
  17. Italian brown marble
    Is it actually a marble? Extensively recrystallized, but details of some small fossils are preserved. Crystalline limestone or metamarble.
  18. Texas yellow sandstone
    Abundant microscopic fossils
  19. Stanford sandstone
    Angular quartz grains, some feldspar grains
  20. Yellow Nario limestone
    Microscopic fossils
  21. Black marble
    Brecciated limestone, recemented fragments
  22. Pink and green granite
    Little quartz, so not a true granite. Pink and green-gray feldspar, dark pyroxene
  23. Yellow marble
    Not marble, but granite that is mostly feldspar with some quartz
  24. Dolomitc marble
    Compare with #8, which has a similar appearance, but different acid reaction
  25. Basalt
    Probably an andesite, with more silica than true basalt.

Painted stucco fragments.


2 fragments of stucco


Finishing plaster fragments extracted on 06/13/202 from:

Hillside Theater stage:

  • High ceiling
  • South wall
  • North wall
  • Lower ceiling
  • Piano niche
  • Lighting catwalk
  • Foyer
  • Bathroom wall
  • Fireplace area

Terracotta fragment from brick exhibition


TC.01 on the label.


Terra cotta pointing mortar


Terra cotta setting mortar


Fragments of terra-cotta with unknown origin.


Mosaic tiles and pebbles


Mosaic tiles and pebbles from the Gordion Museum


Tesserae from the Fahnestock Mausoleum.

  • 1 full lunette pendentive piece
  • 6 fragments from lunette and pendentive
  • 22 fragments from dome
  • 64 full pieces from dome
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