Thin section
From Lynch (2009): “From initial observation, the red color seems to indicate that the clay came from the Mississippi River. The brick was recovered from a brick stable on the property that was built in 1854. The brick does not have a brickmaker’s stamp, although it is likely that the brick is the same age as the stable. This sample is a regular in shape brick, has sharp-pressed edges, and is struck from header to header across the bedding face. The strike marks on the brick indicate that it was struck with a metal striker, which is consistent with the period. The presence of sand in the surface indicates that sand was used as a molding lubricant. Given these characteristics, the brick appears to have been made through extrusion using a stiff-mud machine.”
From Lynch (2009): “From initial observation, the red color seems to indicate that the clay came from the Mississippi River. The brick does not have a brickmaker’s stamp, and the age is unknown. This sample is a fire brick, has sharp-pressed edges, and is struck from header to header across the bedding face. The strike marks on the brick indicate that it was struck with a wire. The lack of sand in the surface indicates that oil was used as a molding lubricant. Given these characteristics, the brick appears to have been extruded through a stiff-mud machine.”
From Lynch (2009): “From initial observation, the red color seems to indicate that the clay came from the Mississippi River. The brick does not have a brickmaker’s stamp, although it is likely that the brick dates to the 1820s. This sample is a regular brick, has rounded edges, and is struck from header to header across the bedding face. The strike marks on the brick indicate that it was struck with a wooden striker, which is consistent with the period. The lack of sand in the surface indicates that water was used as a molding lubricant. Given these characteristics, the brick appears to have been hand-moulded using the soft-mud method.”
Granite – Rhyolite Family | ||
Intrusive | ||
1 | Aplite | San Bernardino County, California, USA |
2 | Hornblende Granite | Rocport, Massachusetts, USA |
3 | Hypersthene Granite (Charnockite) | near Madras, India |
4 | Biotite Granite | |
Extrusive | ||
5 | Rhyolite Porphyry | |
6 | Pegmatite – Lithium Rich | |
7 | Rhyolite Porphyry | |
8 | Obsidian, brown and black | Lake County, Oregon, USA |
9 | Obsidian, snowflake | |
10 | Vitrophyre | |
11 | Pumice | Hidalgo, Mexico |
12 | Rhyolite , Flow | Chaffee County, Colorado, USA |
Syenites | ||
13 | Hedenbergite Syenite | Portland Twp, Quebec, Canada |
14 | Sodalite Syenite | |
15 | Shonkinite | San Bernardino County, California, USA |
Monzonite – Latite Family | ||
Intrusive | ||
16 | Monzonite | Westerley, Rhode Island, USA |
17 | Quartz Monzonite | Los Angeles County, California, USA |
18 | Quartz Monzonite Porphyry | |
Diorite – Andesite Family | ||
Intrusive | ||
19 | Orbicular Diorite | Davie County, North Carolina, USA |
20 | Diorite Porphyry | Jackson, Wyoming, USA |
21 | Hornblende Diorite | |
22 | Camptonite | Hoover Dam, Arizona, USA |
Extrusive | ||
23 | Hornblende Andesite Porphyry | Gallatin County, Montana, USA |
Gabbro – Basalt Family | ||
Intrusive | ||
24 | Jacupirangite | Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA |
25 | Hypersthene Gabbro | Essex County, New York, USA |
26 | Anorthosite | Split Rock, Minnesota, USA |
27 | Diabase | Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, USA |
Extrusive | ||
28 | Basalt | Pullman, Washington, USA |
29 | Diktytaxtic Basalt | Modoc County, California, USA |
30 | Vesicular Basalt | Modoc County, California, USA |
31 | Leucite Nepheline Tephrite | Laacher See, Germany |
32 | Augite Basalt Porphyry | |
Pyroclastic Family | ||
33 | Welded Tuff | Inyo County, California, USA |
34 | Tuff | Pima County, Arizona, USA |
Peridotite Family | ||
35 | Pyroxenite (Bronzitite) | Contact Mountain, Montana, USA |
36 | Peridotite (Kimberlite) | Yellow Dog, Michigan, USA |
37 | Peridotite | |
Sedimentary Rocks | ||
Conglomerates and Breccias | ||
38 | Conglomerate | Richmondale, Ohio, USA |
39 | Limestone Breccia | Boulder County, Colorado, USA |
40 | Volcanic Breccia | Mohave County, Arizona, USA |
Sandstones and Related Rocks | ||
41 | Cross-bedded Sandstone | Portland, Connecticut, USA |
42 | Arkose (gray) | Gardiner, Montana, USA |
43 | Sandstone | Los Angeles County, California, USA |
44 | Bituminous Sandstone | |
45 | Coconino Sandstone | Mojave County, Arizona, USA |
46 | Banded Sandstone | Mansfield, Ohio, USA |
47 | Siltstone | Concordia Bridge, Illinois, USA |
Shales and Related Rocks | ||
48 | Arenaceous Shale | Greene County, New York, USA |
49 | Ferruginous Shale | Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA |
50 | Bituminous Shale | Little Falls, New York, USA |
51 | Laminated Shale | |
Chalcedonic and Related Stones | ||
52 | Flint | Flint Ridge, Ohio |
53 | Flint | Flint Ridge, Ohio |
54 | Chalcedony pseudomorph after coral | Tamba Bay, Florida, USA |
Limestones and Related Stones | ||
55 | Common Grey Limestone | Monroe County, New York, USA |
56 | Lithographic Limestone | Solnhofen, Germany |
57 | Red Wall Limestone | Yavapai Co. Arizona, USA |
58 | Coquina | St. Augustine, Florida, USA |
59 | Pentamerous Limestone | Rochester, New York, USA |
60 | Travertine | |
61 | Dolomitic Limestone | Kasota, Minnesota, USA |
62 | Siliceous Dolomite | Little Falls, New York, USA |
63 | Diffusion Dolomite | Fremont County, Colorado, USA |
64 | Dolomite | Marquette, Michigan, USA |
65 | Potosi Dolomite | Potosi, Missouri, USA |
66 | Fusulinid Limestone | Glass Mountains, Texas, USA |
Ferruginous and Related Rocks | ||
67 | Hematite (oolitic) | Clinton, New York, USA |
Salines (Evaporates) | ||
68 | Anhydrite | |
69 | Gypsum, var. Alabaster | Pomaia, Italy |
Organics | ||
70 | Bituminous Coal | |
Hornfels | ||
71 | Hornfels | Lambertsville, New Jersey, USA |
Marbles | ||
72 | Graphitic Marble | Los Angeles County, California, USA |
73 | White Marble | Lee, Massachusetts, USA |
74 | Marble | St. Lawrence County, New York, USA |
75 | Chocolate Marble | Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
Calc-silicate Rocks | ||
76 | Mylonite | Los Angeles County, California, USA |
Quartzites | ||
77 | Pink Quartzite | Dell Rapids, South Dakota, USA |
78 | Jasper Pebble Quartzite | Sault St. Marie, Ontario, Canada |
79 | Green Quartzite | |
Slates | ||
80 | Red Slate | Granville, New York, USA |
81 | Green Slate | Pawlet, Vermont, USA |
Schists | ||
82 | Tourmaline Schist | |
83 | Vishnu Schist | near Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA |
84 | Crumpled Mica Schist | Gilpin County, Colorado, USA |
85 | Garnet Mica Schist | Gassetts, Vermont, USA |
86 | Hornblende Schist | Antwerp, New York, USA |
87 | Garnetiferous Schist | |
88 | Albite Mica Schist | |
89 | Staurolite Schist | near Newport, Idaho, USA |
Gneisses and Related Rocks | ||
90 | Diopside Gneiss | Lowell, Idaho County, Idaho, USA |
91 | Diorite Gneiss | San Bernardino County, California, USA |
92 | Banded Biotite Gneiss | Adirondack Region, New York, USA |
93 | Garnet Sillimanite Gneiss | Washington County, New York, USA |
94 | Amphibolite, Fine Grained | Soudan, Minnesota, USA |
95 | Amphibolite, Coarse Grained | Soudan, Minnesota, USA |
Epidote Group | ||
96 | Unakite | |
Other Metamorphic | ||
97 | Greenstone | Ely, Minnesota, USA |
98 | Soapstone | Cameron, Montana, USA |
99 | Ferruginous Argillite | Missoula, Montana, USA |
100 | Serpentinite |