FRAG code for HBMC
Building or Place
NPS Code
Number of Samples
Plaster and white marble from the south interior wall of the Fleisher Art Memorial Sanctuary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Paint chips from the following buildings in Guyama:
1. 4 E. Cecelio Dominguez: ~1860-1890
2. 6 E. Cecelio Dominguez: 1882
3. 48 N. Santiago Palmer: ~1890
4. 3 N. Ashford: ~1900 16
5. 47 N. Santiago Palmer: 1890-1910
6. 88 N. Santiago Palmer: ~ 1900
7. 102 N. Santiago Palmer: ~1900
8. 103 N. Santiago Palmer: 1900
9. 104 N. Santiago Palmer: ~1910 17
10. 106 N. Santiago Palmer: ~1910
11. 108 N. Santiago Palmer: ~ 1940
Repair fill-in cement with matching coat.
Sourced by Jose Hernandez on March 6, 2024.